Category: Fall Prevention

Settlement in Fall Case

The Morning Call reported a $250,000 settlement in a nursing home fall case. Lehigh County and Good Shepherd Rehabilitation will pay $250,000 to settle claims that inadequate staffing led to Shirley Leibenguth’s death. Cedarbrook understaffed its registered nurses by 30% and its CNAs 14%-22% compared with safe staffing standards. This profited them more than $2.5

Medications and Falls

All falls by older adults can cause injury, including fractures, head trauma, and lower a person’s quality of life. Most are preventable with safe staffing and an adequate plan of care. According to the CDC, medical costs related to fall injuries are nearly $50 billion every year. One reason is medication. A new study from

“An alarm system doesn’t prohibit falls”

ABC News had an interesting article about the decline in the use of alarms as a means of fall prevention.  The change is part of a nationwide movement to phase out personal alarms and other long-used fall prevention measures in favor of more proactive, preventative care. Without alarms, facilities need staff to better learn residents’

Half of elderly falls result in brain injury and death

The Washington Post had a recent article about how falls in the elderly lead to death caused by brain injuries.  This is why it is so critical for nursing homes to have sufficient staff to supervise resdients, prevent falls, and have a fall prevention program.  Below are excerpts of the article. The elderly fear breaking

Sedatives increase risk of falls in elderly

Journal of Clinical Nursing has an article about a recent study linking the use of sleeping pills containing benzodiazepines to increase falls in nursing homes. Older patients taking benzodiazepines were 2.9 times more likely to fall   Obviously, patients who fall suffer severe injuries.   Some older patients have impaired cognitive function or limited functional ability and physical

Nursing home covers up fracture caused by improper transfer

Here is another article about a nursing home’s failure to prevent a resident from falling and then failing to intervene or inform the family. The family was never told that their 60-year-old mother had broken both legs in a fall and died of complications.  Eventually,  the family discovered the horrific details. Their mother, Linda Ober, had

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

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