Category: Medications

Medications and Falls

All falls by older adults can cause injury, including fractures, head trauma, and lower a person’s quality of life. Most are preventable with safe staffing and an adequate plan of care. According to the CDC, medical costs related to fall injuries are nearly $50 billion every year. One reason is medication. A new study from

Antipsychotic Drug Epidemic

Deadly Chemical Restraints A new report discloses the systemic misuse of antipsychotics and the lack of enforcement in nursing homes. “Under-Enforced and Over-Prescribed: The Antipsychotic Drug Epidemic Ravaging America’s Nursing Homes” shows how many facilities use these dangerous drugs. This is done because the caregivers are overworked and short-staffed.  We need safe staffing. The regulators need

Drug Discount Cards

The Trump administration expects to send $200 prescription drug discount cards to seniors today. The program will cost at least $6.6 billion. The cards encountered objections within the Trump administration. However, Politico reported that an industry advisory panel for IRS abruptly dropped its opposition to the drug cards. “Nobody has seen this before. These cards are

“Angel of Death” pleads Guilty

The Chicago Sun-Times reported the guilty plea of the infamous “Angel of Death” Marty Himebaugh who was a nurse charged with overmedicating residents at Woodstock Residence nursing home where six patients died suspiciously.   As part of the guilt yplea she admitted she gave one patient a drug he had never been prescribed. “Marty Himebaugh — whom McHenry County prosecutors said

“Drug Stupor”

The Star Tribune had a good article abiout the problem of over-medication of nursing home residents.  Powerful antipsychotic drugs have been used for years to reduce agitation, hallucinations and other debilitating symptoms among people with mental illnesses.  They also are widely used “off label” to quell disruptive behavior among people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms

Overmedicating Demented Residents

NY Times had an article about the overuse of certain medications in elderly residents.  Below are excerpts of the article. Ramona Lamascola thought she was losing her 88-year-old mother to dementia. Instead, she was losing her to overmedication.  Last fall her mother, Theresa Lamascola, of the Bronx, suffering from anxiety and confusion, was put on

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

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