Tag Archive: legislation

House subcommittee passes nursing home arbitration bill

House subcommittee passes nursing home arbitration bill The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Commercial Law and Administrative Law Tuesday approved the Fairness in Nursing Home Arbitration Act, which would outlaw signing an arbitration agreement as a prerequisite to admission in a nursing home. Republicans on the subcommittee voted against the measure but came up short in

Increase in use of arbitration in nursing home cases

Kaisernetwork.org has an article referencing a recent Wall St. Journal article showing how the nursing home industry is using mandatory arbitration to avoid compensating victims of abuse and neglect.  Below is an excerpt from the article: Nursing home residents and their families increasingly are “giving up their right to sue over disputes about care, including those

Nursing homes without liability insurance

Randy Ellis staff writer for NewsOk.com has a sad story about a neglected resident who did not get questions or compensation because the nursing home had no assets and no liability insurance.  Below are excerpts of the story: The story refers to a family who received a telephone call that their mother had been injured at The

Federal oversight of nursing homes is lacking

At a hearing this month concerning the state of the nursing home industry 20 years after the landmark Nursing Home Reform Act (better known as OBRA ‘87), Senate Special Committee on Aging Chairman Herb Kohl (D-WI) addressed the deficiencies of a system that has allowed some poorly performing nursing homes to escape penalties. Testimony by the

Elder Justice Act

In past years, the bill came close to passing but failed because of lack of support in the House of Representatives. Therefore, it is extremely important to get members of the House to co-sponsor and support the bill this year. Please contact your U.S. Representative’s office and ask for him or her to co-sponsor the

$15 Million Awarded in Highway Collision

$42 Million Given Back for over 8,000 Investors

$1.05 Million Largest Nursing Home Jury Award in Spartanburg History

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

$2.32 Million in “Unprecedented” Jury Award Against Nuisance Landfill

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